
06/05/2020, by Emir Muminović

Comparing car insurances using Comparis und CO - what to look for

Comparative services such as Comparis or FinanceScout place the cheapest offers on top. Especially with the cheapest offers, however, many coverings that you have chosen are excluded. When comparing car insurance, pay particular attention to the following points:

  • Deductibles: These are often very high, especially for cheap offers. In the case of minor damage, this means that you pay for the repair yourself
  • Take a look at the bonus level and the bonus-malus system: What level were you assigned to and how does the level / bonus change after an accident?
  • What is the residual value of your vehicle in the event of a total loss? Is the fair value supplement insured and up to which year?
  • How long does the contract run? If you have a multi-year contract, we recommend annual protection against dismissal. By the way: You can also request this from your insurance company retrospectively.
  • Check whether gross negligence protection is included in the offer.

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